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Editorial Type: Feature     Date: 03-2016    Views: 1783      

The digital mailroom is 'the next logical business improvement' for any modern organisation, argues David Wilkinson of Storetec

The digital mailroom is an efficient and secure future for your incoming mail and paper documents. In the digital era, all businesses are looking to increase their efficiency, streamline their processes and ensure that they maintain a high standard of security for themselves and their clients. Yet, many overlook a large area of their business in which they could make significant business improvements: incoming mail and document handling.

The future is digital; that much is clear. Paper based systems and media are declining while digital technology and resources increase. So why and how would you move to a digital mailroom service?

Receiving mail and sorting paper documents for distribution takes time and this means that valuable staff resources are dedicated to dealing with these tasks instead of focusing on the core aims of your business. Receiving and sorting paper documents requires a secure, spacious area such as a mailroom, which takes up valuable office space. With office rents at a premium and the increasing need for more efficient use of space, the traditional mailroom doesn't fit well within a modern, streamlined business.

In the traditional mailroom, once you have received, opened the envelopes and sorted the documents, you have two further problems. The first problem is that the paper documents need distributing to one or more departments and may even need to be transferred to other office locations. The transfer of documents out to departments or other locations takes time and money. It causes delays and means that you can only begin to process these documents once they have been received at their final destinations, be it an individual or department.

The second problem is that once a paper document has been received, sorted, distributed and processed, it still requires storing. Paper document storage is another space consuming responsibility for your business. Not only do you need the space for such storage but you often need to invest in secure storage solutions or offsite storage, which costs money and can tie up staff resources in the indexing and management of this storage.

The digital mailroom will help you free up valuable staff resources, reduce the need for office space, allow faster processing of documents and prevent the need for investment in on-site or offsite storage solutions. You can outsource the entire inbound mailroom operation, document distribution and document storage functions to a service provider such as Storetec.

Storetec will receive, open, digitise, sort and electronically distribute all of your incoming mail. Using a PO Box, they will receive all incoming mail, open and prepare it. The documents will then be scanned and categorised. These digital documents are then indexed and distributed electronically to the relevant individuals, departments or back office systems. Cheques can be banked on your behalf, junk mail will be removed and anything received that isn't paper mail can be forwarded to you.

A digital back up of the documents is provided using Storetec's secure cloud based document management system, FreeDocs, which allows instant access around the clock. The original paper documents are stored for a time, shredded and recycled according to your needs and legal obligations.

Outsourcing your mailroom and incoming documents to a service provider such as Storetec has a number of tangible benefits. Logistics, processes and staff resources are no longer required to receive incoming mail. Staff time and office space are no longer consumed by the need to open mail and sort paper documents. Paper document distribution is no longer necessary saving you time and money in staff resources and courier or postage fees.

Unlike paper document distribution, the sharing and access of digital documents is instant and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that the workflows and processes that support your core business aim(s) can become more streamlined. For example, an item of mail may be received by a traditional mailroom, sorted and distributed by hand or by courier to a department or another office.

This document transfer from mailroom to recipient has cost time. Then, after the first department or office has processed the document, a second department or office may need to see the document. Again, the second recipient is waiting for the physical document to be routed. Digitising your inbound mail and working with digital documents instead of paper allows your staff the freedom to work on the electronic documents as soon as they arrive, allowing staff to be more productive and contribute to more efficient, streamlined processes.

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