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Going postal

Editorial Type: News     Date: 10-2015    Views: 2168   

Hillingdon NHS Trust delivers early on electronic corespondence requirement

Since going live in 2014 Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have sent over 300,000 letters electronically through Docman Hub, an electronic postal service for the secure delivery of letters between healthcare providers.

The Docman Hub project within the Trust was part of the CQUIN target to remove the use of post and NHS mail to send documents. The Hillingdon Trust now sends a variety of documents electronically, from 41 specialities, which include discharge summaries, A&E attendance letters, specialist services letters and maternity letters.

Minal Patel, Senior Project Manager, The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said, "Our initial business case was based around the cost savings associated with removing the need to send paper. The manual process was inefficient and not in line with QIPP principles to drive forward quality improvements. Reliance on external post created additional pressure on turnaround times and information was not received by GPs in a timely manner. This could have a significant impact on patient care provided in the community which is reliant on this information. Docman has significantly improved information sharing between the Trust and primary care."

The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have reported a number of benefits through using Docman Hub. “Information is now sent securely to GP Practices in real time with a full audit trail which provides patients with a positive experience as information is no longer lost or misplaced. In addition, Docman Hub has allowed us to ensure clinical correspondence reaches GPs within 5 days so The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust avoids any fines.”

Savina Vagarwal, Project Manager - Electronic Correspondence, Hillingdon CCG “The end result has been a significant improvement in the efficiency of GP practices in their use of Docman with EMIS Web, and The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has delivered early on its commitment to send discharge letters electronically by 1st October 2015.”

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